What is Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy?

Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) is an innovative therapeutic approach that combines the use of the medication ketamine with traditional psychotherapy techniques in a safe and supportive setting. Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic that has been used for decades in medical settings for adults and children for pain relief and anesthesia. The World Health Organization (WHO) has listed Ketamine as an Essential Medicine since 1985 and it has been approved for use by the FDA since 1970. It is known to be the most widely used anesthetic in the world. In the last decade, research has shown that Ketamine has major therapeutic benefits for treatment resistant depression and other mental health conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety and depression.

KAP is conducted with the participation of a medical provider who prescribes a low to moderate dose of ketamine in the form of a lozenge. This dose induces a relaxed state with some mild to moderate dissociative effects. A trained therapist facilitates the experience in a supportive and therapeutic environment that is accompanied by soft music and an eye mask to keep the surrounding environment as relaxed as possible. The client is typically conscious and able to interact with the therapist throughout the session. During the ketamine session, the patient is guided through a therapeutic process, which may include various psychotherapeutic techniques such as talk therapy, mindfulness exercises, or trauma-focused therapy. The combination of ketamine and psychotherapy provides the optimal environment to address a clients defenses, rewire neural pathways, and access deep feelings that may otherwise be blocked or difficult to access. 

Ketamine enhances the healing in the brain by modulating certain brain chemicals, particularly glutamate, which plays a role in mood regulation and cognition. Research has shown that ketamine induces fast-acting antidepressant effects. Ketamine induces not only functional changes in the brain but also structural changes as evidenced by producing new neuronal connections and neuroplasticity. This allows the brain to “rewire” and can have a rapid and profound effect on a person's perceptions, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. By combining ketamine administration with psychotherapy, we are able to make both treatments more effective. While ketamine helps with neuroplasticity, psychotherapy helps with addressing underlying emotional or mental blocks that can be an obstacle to deeper healing. KAP allows emotional blocks and defenses to soften allowing a person to address uncomfortable feelings and memories, potentially shortening the amount of time needed in therapy.

Who can benefit from KAP?

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy can be a highly effective treatment for clients struggling with various forms of treatment resistant depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD), and substance-use disorders.

Many people who do not have a clinical diagnosis can also benefit from KAP. The transformative psychedelic journey and powerful biochemical effects (especially new neuronal connections) can support personal healing and growth. These new neuronal connections may assist in resolving issues such as feelings of stress, extreme burnout, identity challenges, life transitions, or stagnation in one’s life.

Treatment Processes

Together with a medical professional and a highly-trained psychotherapist, KAP opens up pathways to significant and rapid change. Once the therapist and client have determined suitability for KAP and conducted an intake session, the client will be referred to a collaborating medical provider for an intake. The medical professional will prescribe the medicine upon determining eligibility. Some contraindications for the use of ketamine are ongoing active substance abuse, pregnancy, nursing, psychosis, hyperthyroidism, acute mania, recent traumatic brain injury, and/or cardiovascular problems. The KAP session described below takes approximately 2.5-3 hours. Following the KAP session, there will be an integration session that will involve discussion and integration of the experience and how it pertains to the client’s current life issues.

1-on-1 KAP Sessions

1-on-1 KAP sessions take place in our KAP room located in Union Square Area, NYC. The session is approximately 2.5-3 hours in length.


  • One (1) mental health intake with Psychotherapist (50-60 mins) - $200

  • One (1) medical intake with a ketamine prescriber* - $250 (includes prescription for ketamine)

  • Ketamine Prescription cost - $100

  • Lozenge KAP session with licensed therapist* (2.5-3 hrs) - $600 (includes eye mask, snack, drink)

Individual KAP Session Format:

During a KAP session, you will discuss intention setting, partake in a meditation and breathing exercise, guided journey (60-75 minutes), post-journey integration. Sage clearing of the space, snacks and drinks are also included in this session. 

*In order to partake in a KAP session, you MUST complete a medical and mental health intake to be cleared. Medical and mental health intakes are only needed once every 6-months regardless of how many individual and group sessions will be booked.

*Sliding scale, lower-fee, or Pay What You Can fees are always available. It is a core value of mine to directly support accessible therapy for all, and especially to support people experiencing systemic oppression. In cases where we both agree we are a good client-therapist fit, but my standard rate is out of financial capacity, I am generally able to offer to meet you where you are in ability to pay. I do not require any financial documentation from you, and we will handle all discussion of fees with just a human-to-human conversation. Lowest fee services are intentionally reserved for people with multiple marginalized identities.