Orienting to present

1 Orienting visually

2 Orienting auditorily

4 Orient to a pleasant aroma in present time or by recall

3 Gentle movement of full or parts of body to ease freeze and tension

Shifting awareness between different sensations

1 Tracking sensation and shift awareness to an opposite of that sensation (if it is a negative sensation). What happens?

2 Shift between sensation and image

3 Distancing disturbing images (backward binoculars)

4 Shift between sensation and emotion—if there is an emotion pay attention to the sensations and feel them change



1 Feel body sensation—without getting attached to anything. Just be CURIOUS

2 Track Sensation and Emotions without dwelling on them or getting attached to them

3 Heart beat, breathing, blood flow, temperature in different parts of body

4 As tension or frustration level rises feel the sensations in you body. Squeeze it into a towel or pillow

Resourcing/Changing Body Sensations/Grounding/Anchoring

1 Soft Tongue—allow your tongue to soften and relax

2 Voo—take a gentle full breath in and say Voooooo slowly until you have exhaled all the way. Fell your belly vibrate

3 Voo/Ahhh—same a #2 and add gentle opening a closing of your mouth

4 Voo/Ahh with hand and arm movements for boundary development

5 Think about something more positive (a friend, a picture, a sound, a smell) and feel the associated sensations

6 Weighted blanket, self-heart hug (right hand under left armpit, left hand outside right shoulder. Give yourself a hug (and feel it) with just the right amount of pressure